My Blog For Stuff

My Blog For Stuff

Monday 14 March 2022

I didn't fall in love

I didn't fall in love with her for the sex. You might think that from looking at her and listening to me, but it wasn't the sex that consumed my soul with wanting to cherish hers forever. It was the talking. It was the connection we somehow instantly discovered but felt like we had never been without it. That deep personable bond to talk for hours upon eons about nothing and everything and all in between. That beautiful spirit voicing her opinions on all matters of things, from TV to art to music to life, she was well read enough in things I had never delved deep enough into to form an opinion, but I'll always love her forever for letting me in. Letting me see the machinations of her deeply emotionally powerful mind toss and turn over so many ideas and thoughts. Her vastly creative mind could find heart or positivity in everything, even my deeply fragile and broken centre. She loved it anyways, she cared for it anyways, she was all for me and everything. My One and Only. I didn't fall in love with her because of the sex, I fell in love with her because she cared more about me and the tiny things I mentioned to her off hand. I fell in love with her because she made me laugh for hours and then cry with frustration. I fell in love with her because she was so easy to love. I fell in love with her because a connection that powerful and that instant is so rare and non existent, that when you find it it's like winning the lottery every second of every day for a million years. I fell in love with the most beautiful and sweet creatures to ever grace this planet we call home and that's what she became to me; home. Her breath in my ear, her hand intertwined in mine, my head on her shoulder, these things I would never point out to her that I cherished, but now miss more than life itself. I fell in love with a storm and rather than stand and appreciate it, all I did was fight for the sunlight I seen hidden behind the clouds. I will love her forever and will remember every last second we ever spent together. Her beautiful ever changing hair, her soft skin, her precious smile that gave me hope that things could seriously be perfect one day. She was all and more. I didn't fall in love with her for the sex, I fell in love with her because she was my soul. She has my heart, imprinted in gold, and I'll always love her. I love her so. I didn't fall in love with her for the sex. I fell in love with my partner, the one who helped me grow and I hope I helped to flourish as well. I'll love her forever and always. I loved her the second I lay my eyes on her, I loved her the second she left, I love her now. I love her so much. I didn't fall in love with her for the sex. I fell in love with her because how could I not? I fell in love with her because she... Got me. Better and more succintly than anyone had before. She was all and more.

I love her.

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